two zero zero nine. it's me alive still breathing in this world. alhamdullilah. 19 this year and i'm concentrating on my partnership business. time for some action everyone. my passion is running to get something that i've been waiting for so long. we trust the new person of america 'barack obama' why do we trust him? we need changes. i need to be smart,brave and get what i want this year. hip hop is out with more albums this year. joe flizzow is the president. jin hackman is out with his album in late january. dose2 is back with their album 'ordinaryheroes' and klqsqwad is connecting their klang bridge to us. i hope 2009 is hip hop's finest year in kuala lumpur. i had performed at the bomb shelter on last 14th january. it was goooood. thanks to you wordsmanifest. trickytongue perform their new track. ohh i cant tell you the title. we're discussing it right now. anyone who is turning 18 this year? good luck to you fellas. many people love to going to club,drink 'air sirap',score good chicks to their phone list,fighting to get their names written on hopeless people minds,hanging out till their eyes are red with no goals. what the fuck is your goals? be somebody and contribute. sorry for being realistic. i'm waiting for my tubby to come back in kuala lumpur this year. yeay ! my happiness is what i see in life. i wish life is simple and can be read like storybooks. friends. i see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. a day may come when the courage of men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship but it is not this day. THIS DAY WE FIGHT ! peace ' nazreen