good morning everyone around the globe, 2010 is right here fellas. lots of memories,fun,sadness,lesson in 2009. well i believe that rebirth is my new title. why rebirth ? because i'm stuck in blood from love to hard and hustle so i think that rebirth is everything to me this year. intentions to be true. gold to get. cash over passion. most importantly HIP HOP. i need to kick it from a grade from failure to an A project. maybe you guys will not really understand but i'll keep it close to someone's ear sooner or later insyaallah. new friend,old friend,medium friend,regular friend,large friend. i enjoy my friends cause without my friends i can only be sad at home. lost a girl - 2009. still exist in my eye. cant erase it. every cloud has it's silver lining. now i'm destine to search and hunt my dreams down. happy new year; rest in peace michael jackson ! i love you all listeners and to everyone who's close to me by writings or stereo .