vandal did it again. think you got skillz is made by him to bring new rappers to step forward and take the challenge. the rules are 2 rounds of 1 minute of each emcee. you think we got lawyers to judge? the crowd is the judge so you guys can pick your favourite emcee. 17 september is the date and i came at 11pm on that night. everyone was there at the front door. dose2,kraft,jin hackman,ssk and all in hip hop family. it was a nice scenery to see they laugh,discuss and exchange topics by topics. one hour later, the crowd was in. naquib of dose2 step to the stage and sean is his battle. words to words naquib is 1st. next up kraft and double dice is our entertainment. you can judge by his name kraft like cheese,he is kinda good tho' as expected kraft is the next boy who step up. i was in front of the stage and all i do is laugh like it's a comedy theatre because they made interesting punchlines for all of us to listen. kraft won to an african rapper. naquib won to jin hackman. jin hackman is the winner of the last think you got skillz last week. rounds by rounds we have kraft vs naquib. i like both of them. both are good to me. i'm just enjoying the battle. round 1 is simple. round 2 gettin more scars and kraft killed it. he own and won the night. they got prizes from nike. well i say hip hop is still alive here in kuala lumpur. we still carry the traditon. so when hip hop is speaking well i do hope all of malaysian is listening. anyway think you got skillz is still in session. kalau korang free ada time just drop by; assalamualaikum.
macam best doh :)
haha. sepah2 gmbr ko. bkn kt bangsa ke neh
jap, naqib n kraft gempak. dia tada buat beatbox kt sana. aku nk jumpa hunny madu. cheyh
lg satu. vandal jd dj ? haha.
saya, mereka, kamu. tralala
kraft best best best!
justin bila lagi. :P
hip hop is speaking fellas. bersepah pejai? trademark aku. haha. justin bila lagi? time will tell fieda.
Really beautiful posting.
Terima Kasih.
Peace bro! thanks for the post! next one is OCT 8th @ Cloth & Clef!!!
teringin nak rgk justin nyanyi laaa
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